Monday, September 9, 2013

Down, But Not Out

A summer spent pacing the corridors of the hospital,
No time for the garden or the computer.

Two of my children battling serious illnesses...
Makes me want to close my eyes and weep.

I hang on to the strength of family and friends,
I remember the past and reach for the future,
I cherish each ray of light.


  1. I'm simply in love with the images. They whisper tales. I can hear them.

  2. How are they now? I'm a serious admirer of your photography skills but the words made me sad. Take care!

  3. Your pictures are great Rosemary.... nice done again.

    Greetings, Joop

  4. Oh my goodness I had wondered where you'd been. I am so sorry and my thoughts and prayers are with your children!!

  5. Dear, dear Rosemary,

    I guessed that something serious would be because you had been told once that one of your children had cancer. Now I read that two of your children are so seriously ill.

    A lot of strength and god bless you.

    Love, Helma

  6. Ja Rosemary of we het willen of niet,maar het is herfst en die kan ook heel erg mooi zijn.

  7. Hi Rosemary,
    I missed your pictures, though I now see why.
    I'm really sorry that your children are seriously ill.
    I wish you all the strength in this difficult time.
    Greetings Irma

  8. O Rosemary, I'm so so sorry. Please feel free to email me any time; you and your family are in my prayers. God bless you and keep you.

  9. Hi Rosemary, I have been thinking of you and prayed nothing serious was wrong. You did tell us before about your daughter, but now I read two of your children are seriously ill. I wish you a lot of strength in this hard time and that your kids may get better soon.
    Thinking of you,

  10. Wish you and your family of course a lot of strength ....may god bless you all.

    warm greetings from Holland, Joop

  11. Oh dear Rosemary, I'm so sorry. I will say a prayer or two for your children. I can only imagine what you are going through. I know through my sister's illness we hung onto any ray of hope and light and it did help so much. Small kindnesses that people do, small words of comfort...all mean so much. Hang on to it all dear Rosemary. I pray you have all the strength, hope, courage and comfort you need as you try to be there throughout your journey for your dear children. Big hugs. xx

  12. Dear Rosemary!
    I was wondering why you do not write new posts.
    I'm so sorry. I believe it will be fine and your children will recover ...
    Good God watch over your beloved Family.
    I pray for the health of your dearest children.
    I cuddle you to the heart.

  13. I am so sorry to read that your children are not well. I wish there was more I could say. I'll be thinking of you.

  14. Dear Rosemary, I wish you and your family all the best for the hard times you are going through, stay strong, hope for the best and remember to take care of yourself in the middle of everything too.

  15. Dear Rosemary - I have just returned from a trip, and am so saddened to learn that not only are you dealing with your daughter's illness, but now another of your children is also seriously ill. I can't believe that such difficult challenges have been sent to you and your family to cope with. Please believe that I am thinking about you all, and sending you my very best wishes.

  16. Life must be hell for you these days ...
    I hope and pray for you and your children

  17. We've all missed your beautiful posts but your family needs your presence more right now. I'm praying for you and your children that light and love will help see you through this dark time and remain with you always and that skilled hands and minds will help to speed the healing of your children. We're all rooting for you Rosemary! Hang in there, friend.

  18. I will continue to pray for your family. You are not alone!

  19. Dear Rosemary, I'm so sorry to know your second child is seriously ill. What to say? Terrible for mother to know this...I only can pray for you and your children! I write you with tears, my dear!

  20. Stopping by to let you know that you are thought of, and you and your family are in my prayers.

  21. Hi Rosemary~glad to see you post. I've been thinking of you and you daughter. I'm so sorry to hear another family member is also ill. Keep strong!!!

  22. I have been away from the blogs lately, and am so sorry to ready that your children are ill, Rosemary. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Don't forget to stand in your calming, peaceful garden for a few seconds if possible. It will certainly be good for your soul.

  23. Oh my dear Rosemary, so sorry to hear this ! I see a few months have passed by since you wrote this, really hope you soon will come back and tell us some good news. Send you lots of thoughts and hugs . XOXO

  24. Magnificent photos Rosemary. I dearly hope all are well now. Sickness of any kind is very difficult.

  25. Dear Rosemary!
    I send you warm greetings.
    Every day I pray for your health.
    I believe that a good God and Father surrounds you care.
    Greetings from Polish far.

  26. I'm so sorry, Rosemary! I knew that your daughter was ill, but I hoped she would already be better. Now, I read two of your children are seriously ill. Words can't tell, how sorry I am. Hugs and strength, Rosemary. I hope everything will be better and your kids will be healthy again. You're in my thoughts.


  27. Hi Rosemary, so sorry I only saw this now! I haven't been seeing any posts from you and I came by to let you know that I am thinking of you and now I know what is happening. I am so sorry to hear this. Please know that you and your family are in my prayers and thoughts. Sending you a hug.

  28. Bonjour ma chère amie,

    Je me désolais de ne plus vous retrouver... Je m'inquiétais et mon inquiétude était fondée. Je suis sincèrement navrée pour ce qui vous arrive. je souhaite qu'une lueur d'espoir se dessine tout proche... Je pense à vous très fort et je vous envoie toute mon amitié avec plein de bisous...

  29. Dear Rosemary, I haven't had the time to stop by your blog until now and I am very sorry to read that both of your children have been seriously ill. I am wishing the very best for your children, you and your whole family. I hope you find the strength to deal with whatever you have to face. Warm regards,

  30. I just stopped by to check in on you. I hope everyone is feeling better and that the holidays kind to you. My thoughts are with you and your family. Chris

  31. I'm really sorry to hear this. The trails and tribulations of life are harder on you. Please stay strong for your family. I hope all the kinks in your life will be ironed out eventually. God bless and have lots of festive cheer, hope and brightness.

  32. My Dear Rosemary - my thoughts are with you and dear family on this Christmas Day♥

  33. Te deseo unas felices fiestas y un próspero 2014, que sigas deslumbrando con tus imágenes
    Un gran saludo de un fiel seguidor y de toda mi familia
    Muchísimos besos y más besos

  34. Hello Rosemary, I am so late here, apologies but I just came in here thinking of you. I am very deeply moved to read your post. I will keep your children and your family in my prayers, I hope all is well for you, please trust God and have faith in every moment, dear Rosemary. Hugs.

  35. Dear Rosemary, still thinking of you a lot, hope things are getting better.

  36. Dear Rosemary, I am so sorry to hear this. I hope all is well, and you and your children are in my thoughts and prayers. Peace and hugs to you. Take care...

  37. Dear Rosemary - I am still holding you and your dear family close in my thoughts and hoping that things are improving for you all.

  38. Dear Rosemary!
    Thanks be to God.
    I have you in your daily prayers.
    Greetings from far away Polish.


Thank you so much for your kind words :)

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